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Implantation of scleral fixation multifocal IOLs in children with Marfan’s syndrome: 5 years of experience
Poster Details
First Author: M.Fortunato ITALY
Co Author(s): A. Turtoro
Abstract Details
To demonstrate the efficacy of sclerally fixed multifocal IOLS in restoring pseudaccomodation in patients aged 6 to 14 years with Marfan’s Syndrome.
Ophthalmology Department, 'Bambino Gesù' Children's Hospital, Rome,
The Autors present a series of 80 eyes (age range 6-14 years) with Marfan’s Syndrome which underwent secondary implantation of a flexible multifocal IOL (SOLEKO, FIL 65 Pvs, add). Only patients with BCVA ≥5/10, normal pupillary activity, clear media, normal fundus were included in the study. Previously all patients had undergone lensectomy for ectopia lentis.
From 2008 to 2013 80 eyes of children with Marfan’s Syndrome were implanted with a multifocal scleral fixation IOL. 5 year of follow-up: 62 eyes (78.5%) had BCVA 10/10 (18% uncorrected; 82% with correction); 80 eyes (100%) had I for near; 17 eyes (21.5%) had far BVCA 8/10 (AMBLIOPIA); only 2 eyes belonging to the same patient presented post-operative tilting of the IOL towards the anterior chamber, treated with pilocarpine; 2 eyes were subjected to the IOL repositioning
In our opinion, multifocal scleral fixation IOLS in children with Marfan’s Syndrome permit an excellent visual recovery, both for near and far vision. FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: NONE