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Frequency and clinical characteristics of pseudoexfoliation syndrome associated cataract

Poster Details

First Author: M.Cvetanovic SERBIA

Co Author(s):    A. Veselinovic   D. Veselinovic   K. Stojanovic   I. Trajkovic     

Abstract Details


Pseudoexfoliation syndrome is a clinical entity associated with ocular changes in the form of extracellular fibrillar material greatly involving intraocular lens. Numerous studies have shown that besides increased intraocular pressure, patients with pseudoexfoliation syndrome are significantly more likely to develop cataract


This prospective study was conducted to point out the frequency of pseudoexfoliation syndrome in patients with cataract in our population. The study also included clinical-epidemiological analysis of age and gender, intraocular pressure values and type of cataracts in these patients.


The study enrolled 750 patients with cataract operated in 2011 at the Ophthalmology Clinic, Clinical Center Niš. All the patients underwent ultrasound biomicroscopy before and after pupil dilatation, intraocular pressure measurements with applanation tonometry and gonioscopic examination was done in patients with increased IOP.


Pseudoexfoliation syndrome was registered in 129 ( 17,2%) patients with cataract. The most common types of cataract were nuclear ( 36%) and mature ( 25,1%) cataracts in patients with PEX. Increased intraocular pressure was found in 10,9% patients with PEX, while 4,3% patients in the second group had increased IOP-a ( p< 0,001). The mean values of preoperative IOP were 18,3 (SD 3,2) mmHg in the group with cataract and PEX, and in the group without exfoliation syndrome the mean IOP values were 15,7 ( SD3,9)mmHG.


In patients with cataract, pseudoexfoliation syndrome is highly associated with cataract progression. Its prevalence increases with age. It is also often associated with increased IOP values, nuclear and mature cataract. FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: NONE

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