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The course of dry eye after phacoemulsification surgery

Poster Details

First Author: S.Cetinkaya TURKEY

Co Author(s):    E. Mestan   N. Acir   Y. Cetinkaya   Z. Dadaci   H. Yener  

Abstract Details


The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the course of dry eye syndrome after phacoemulsification surgery


Turkish Red Crescent Hospital, Konya, Turkey


One hundred and ninety-two eyes of 96 patients (30 males, 66 females) with chronic dry eye syndrome and cataract, who had undergone phacoemulsification surgery were enrolled in this study


OSDI questionnaire scores increased postoperatively, but arrived preoperative levels at the end of 3rd month following the surgery. Fluorescein staining patterns according to Oxford Schema got worse postoperatively, however after postoperative 3rd month they got better and resembled preoperative patterns. The mean postoperative BUT values were significantly lower than preoperative BUT value (P < 0.001), however after 3rd month, it arrived to preoperative value (P = 0.441), The mean postoperative Schirmer Test 1 values were significantly lower than preoperative ST1 value ( P < 0.001), however after 3rd month, it arrived to preoperative value (P = 0.748)


Phacoemulsification surgery may aggravate the signs and symptoms of dry eye and affect dry eye test values in chronic dry eye patients in short-term. However, in long-term, signs and symptoms of dry eye decrease and dry eye test values return to preoperative values FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: NONE

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