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Posterior capsule rupture following blunt trauma with paintball: how safe is paintball?

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To report a rare case of isolated posterior capsule rupture following blunt trauma with paintball. To highlight serious paintball related eye injuries.


Eye Care, New Medical Centre, Speciality Hospital, Abu Dhabi, UAE.


We report a case of 26 yr old male patient who sustained right eye blunt trauma while playing paintball .He claims to be wearing adequate protective eye wear and other equipment prescribed by the company.We describe the type of injury sustained , management and the outcome. We report this case with review of the literature.


Patient presented with blunt trauma to right eye with hyphema and progressive traumatic cataract. B-Scan revealed posterior capsule rupture of the crystalline lens. He underwent right eye phacoemulsification. After nuclear emulsification, large oval posterior capsule rent was noted along with zonular dialysis. Anterior vitrectomy was done . Capsular tension ring was placed in the bag and a 3 piece acrylilc IOL was implanted in the sulcus. Post operative his vision improved to 1.0p unaided.


Our case highlights importance of recognizing rarer posterior capsular rupture so that proper surgical planning and appropriate traumatic cataract management may be employed. Early surgical intervention resulted in a successful outcome for the patient.Although patient regained his vision for distance but lost his near vision. Paintball eye injuries can be devastating despite using safety equipment.Adequate safety measures must be taken to protect eyes. FINANCIAL DISCLOUSRE: NONE

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