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Clinical results of Minimal Overlap Small Incision Lenticule Extraction (MO -SMILE) in treating myopic patients with large mesopic pupils

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Session Details

Session Title: Refractive
Session Date/Time: Sunday 28/02/2016 | 08:30-11:00
Paper Time: 10:48
Venue: Skalkotas
First Author: : F.De Wilde --
Co Author(s): :    S. Vanderveen              

Abstract Details


To describe a new technique to successfully treat myopic patients with large mesopic pupils.


Eyecenter Latem, Belgian Ocular Laser Center, Private Eye Center, Belgium


On a total of 410 Smile procedures performed (between 2013, November and 2015, september) 51 myopic eyes (12.4%) had night pupils of more than 7 mm. In these specific cases we performed a Smile procedure with a cap – lenticule overlap ( clearance) of only 0.3 to 0.5 mm. instead of the classical used 1 mm.


In all 51 cases the MO-SMILE technique was completed without any major intraoperative complications. The range of myopia (SE) treated was from -1.5 D. to -8.5 D. with a mean SE of -4.5 D. The mean scotopic pupil size was 7.3 mm. The mean cap-lenticule overlap was 0.48 mm. The following results are reported : Visual acuity, functional visual analyser, ocular response analyser, higher order aberrations and a subjective questionnaire.


MO-SMILE is a safe and reliable procedure to treat myopic patients with large mesopic pupils. The clearance between cap and lenticule of 0.3 to 0.5 mm. minimizes corneal trauma by cutting less corneal nerves. MO-SMILE gives us the unique opportunity to treat mesopic pupils of 8.2 mm. by creating a lenticule up to 8.5 mm. Extreme mesopic pupils of 8 mm. are no longer a counterindication for refractive surgery.

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