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An analysis of determinants of progression in paediatric keratoconus patients at Manchester Royal Eye Hospital

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Session Details

Session Title: Cornea
Session Date/Time: Sunday 28/02/2016 | 08:30-11:00
Paper Time: 09:00
Venue: MC2 Room
First Author: : A.Hamilton UK
Co Author(s): :    S. Wong   F. Carley   S. Biswas        

Abstract Details


To identify predictive factors for keratoconus progression through a retrospective review of paediatric keratoconus patients.


This review was performed at Manchester Royal Eye Hospital, United Kingdom.


This was a retrospective review of 19 patients age <18 years diagnosed with keratoconus. Patients all had 2 or more ophthalmic examinations and tomographic measurements. Eyes that had previously had surgery were excluded. Rate of keratoconus progression was calculated by comparing the thinnest corneal measurement at 2 scans, and divided by time between scans (months). Data points had a 5 month interval where possible. Rate of progression was charted against Kmean, thinnest portion of the cornea, and posterior elevation.


37 eyes of 19 patients were reviewed. 6 eyes developed corneal scarring. Of the remaining 31 eyes, 26 progressed. We found that predictors of more rapid progression were a thin cornea <450 microns, Kmax >55diopters and a posterior elevation >80 microns.


The majority of cases of paediatric keratoconus in this review progressed. Corneal thickness <450 microns, Kmean >55 dioptres and posterior elevation >80 microns are possible predictive factors indicating higher rate of progression in paediatric keratoconus.

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