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A new surgical classification of different type keratectasia

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Session Details

Session Title: Cornea
Session Date/Time: Sunday 28/02/2016 | 08:30-11:00
Paper Time: 08:36
Venue: MC2 Room
First Author: : S.Izmailova RUSSIA
Co Author(s): :    B. Malyugin   A. Semykin           

Abstract Details


To develop a new surgical keratectasia classification.


The S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution


The analysis of clinical and functional condition of 1010 eyes of 587 patients with keratectasia before and after 1215 different type surgeries (UV-crosslinking, ICRS implantation, DALK, PK, PRK and phaco with TIOL implantation). Pre- and post-surgical examination included standard (visometry, biomicroscopy, keratotopography) and specific (OCT, confocal microscopy, scanning topography) methods.


Keratectasias were classified according to: presence of the ectatic process progression (progressive and stable); type of ectasia (primary and secondary); ectasia symmetry (symmetrical and non-symmetrical); stage (I, II, III and IV). It is recommended: subclinical stage – supervision and dynamics control; I stage – UV-crosslinking; II stage – ICRS implantation, UV-crosslinking only if residual ametropia correction by PRK or TIOL implantation is planned; III stage – DALK; IV stage – PK.


The developed keratectasia classification, based on modern diagnostic methods, allows determination of the tactics of surgical treatment, depending on pathological process type and stage.

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