Comparison of IOL powers obtained by OCT, optical biometry and ray tracing after Myopic refractive surgery
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Session Details
Session Title: Cataract II
Session Date/Time: Saturday 27/02/2016 | 08:30-11:00
Paper Time: 10:30
Venue: Trianti Room
First Author: : J.Ashar INDIA
Co Author(s): :
Abstract Details
To compare the emmetropic IOL power calculation after myopic LASIK using OCT (Optovue), optical biometry (AL – Scan, Nidek- Schammas PL formula) and ray tracing (Sirius, CSO).
Retrospective analysis of data. Mumbai Eye Care,Cornea and LASIK Center, India
30 post myopic LASIK eyes were evaluated for biometry. IOL power nearest to emmetropia was noted (A constant 118.9) using above machines & compared.
Mean emmetropic IOL powers using OCT, AL- scan & Sirius were 22.48D, 22.7D & 21.43. (OCT vs Al – scan – Not significant, OCT vs Sirius and AL- scan vs Sirius p < 0.005).
OCT based IOL power calculation correlated well with optical biometry, but that using ray tracing was significantly different and more hyperopic.Ray tracing showed lower IOL power. Ray tracing could lead to hyperopic surprise making it necessary to target towards more myopic refraction while using ray tracing to calculate IOL power after myopic LASIK.
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