Is the risk of posterior capsular rupture higher in eyes with previous intravitreal injections?
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Session Details
Session Title: Cataract II
Session Date/Time: Saturday 27/02/2016 | 08:30-11:00
Paper Time: 08:54
Venue: Trianti Room
First Author: : Z.Shalchi UK
Co Author(s): : R. Hamilton
Abstract Details
To investigate the risk of posterior capsular rupture (PCR) in eyes with previous intravitreal injections (IVI).undergoing cataract surgery.
London Teaching Hospital, UK- King's College Hospital
The Moorfields Patient Administrative System (PAS) and OpenEyes databases were used to study all cataract surgery procedures undertaken between 1 January 2012 and 31 August 2015 in the Moorfields main and satellite sites. All eyes which have received at least one intravitreal anti-VEGF injection for exudative age-related macular degeneration were included.
In total, 57,991 cataract surgery procedures were undertaken over the study period, of which 1,034 were in eyes with previous intravitreal injection(s). The rate of PCR was higher in eyes with previous IVI (1.45%) than in non-IVI eyes (0.86%, p=0.04). Anterior capsular tear rates were no different between the 2 groups (p=0.39). The mean number of previous injections were similar in both PCR (7.40) and no PCR (6.89) groups (p=0.73). PCR rates were equally likely when surgery was performed under the Cataract or the Medical Retina service (p=0.84).
Eyes with previous IVI have a higher risk of PCR. This is not affected by number of previous injections or the specialty undertaking the surgery.
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