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Visual performance of small-aperture intraocular lens for extending depth of focus in cataract patients

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Session Details

Session Title: Cataract I
Session Date/Time: Friday 26/02/2016 | 10:30-12:30
Paper Time: 10:48
Venue: MC3 Room
First Author: : M.Piovella ITALY
Co Author(s): :    B. Kusa              

Abstract Details


To demonstrate visual performance of the IC-8 small aperture IOL (AcuFocus, Irvine, CA) implanted in patients in whom a cataractous lens has been removed.


C.M.A. Centro Microchirurgia Ambulatoriale Monza, Italy


It is a prospective, multicenter (13 sites in Europe), open-label clinical study with mixed implantation of an IC-8 IOL in the non-dominant eye and an aspheric monofocal IOL in the dominant eye. To-date 18 patients have been implanted in CMA (Centro Microchirurgia Ambulatoriale – Monza- Italy) surgery performed by one surgeon. Comparison of small-aperture and monofocal IOL 3 months outcomes are presented here for 18 patients. Visual acuity results are reported in Snellen equivalents.


At 3 months in the IC-8 eye, UDVA is 20/26 ± 6.11 , UIVA is 20/22 ± 6.84 and UNVA is 20/30 ± 10.36 . In the monofocal eye, UDVA is 20/18 ± 4.25 , UIVA is 20/39 ± 15.89 and UNVA is 20/61 ± 14.48. Binocular UDVA is 20/18 ± 4.25, UIVA is 20/19 ± 5.66 and UNVA is 20/25 ± 7.62 .


The IC-8 shows excellent visual performance at 3 months following implantation. The IC-8 IOL demonstrates better vision at intermediate and near when compared to the monofocal IOL.

Financial Disclosure:

One or more of the authors receives consulting fees, retainer, or contract payments from a company producing, developing or supplying the product or procedure presented, One or more of the authors travel has been funded, fully or partially, by a company producing, developing or supplying the product or procedure presented

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