Visual outcomes with a low add asymmetric segmented bifocal IOL
Poster Details
First Author: S.Shah UK
Co Author(s): D. Dutta
Abstract Details
To assess the visual function of a low add (+2) bifocal intraocular lens
Private ambulatory care centre
Performance of the Lenstec +2 low add asymmetric segmented bifocal intraocular lenses (IOLs) were investigated in a prospective controlled study in patients undergoing cataract surgery and refractive lens exchange, at a private ambulatory care centre. A total of 181 eyes or 95 participants were implanted with the asymmetric segmented bifocal IOL with the near add slightly nasally rotated intraocularly. Preoperative and pos-operative distance, intermediate and near unaided and best distance corrected visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, defocus curve and best-corrected with the Aston halometer were measured.
The mean refractive error after cataract surgery was 0.00+/-0.44 dioptre sphere with -0.67+/-0.45 cylinder and spherical equivalent was –0.28+/-0.46 prior to any laser top up. The unaided distance visual acuity improved from logMAR 0.64+/-0.36 to 0.09+/-0.11 (P<0.001). Best corrected distance visual acuity after IOL implantation was logMAR 0.04+/-0.10. The post-operative unaided near vision improved to logMAR 0.35+0.15 (P<0.001;almost N6). Six patients underwent laser top up. Defocus curves confirm excellent intermediate vision as expected from a +2 add multifocal and retention of good near vision. Contrast Sensitivity was 1.59+0.12 logCS. Halometry confirmed a very small glare profile.
The Lenstec asymmetric segmented bifocal IOL provides excellent vision at all distances and can improve contrast sensitivity, minimize halos and glare. Given its lack of top-up combined with excellent near, intermediate and distance vision it poses a major challenge to its competitors.
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