Contrast sensitivity under photopic and mesopic conditions after implantation of TECNIS Synergy IOL
Poster Details
First Author: I.Grabska-Liberek POLAND
Co Author(s): Ł. Kołodziejski T. Gałecki A. Opala D. Wiącek
Abstract Details
The purpose of the study is to evaluate distance contrast sensitivity (CS) under photopic and mesopic conditions with and without glare after implantation of TECNIS Synergy a continuous-range-of-vision IOL during cataract surgery.
Libermedic Warsaw Ophthalmological Centre, Warsaw, Poland
Twenty-two eyes of 11 patients after cataract surgery with bilateral implantation of the TECNIS Synergy IOL were assessed. Monocular uncorrected visual acuity at the distance and near (UCVA and UCNVA, respectively) were measured 8 weeks postoperatively using the ETDRS chart. Monocular distance CS was measured using Functional Acuity Contrast Test (FACT) at two different luminance levels (85 and 3 cd/m2) with glare (135 lux for photopic and 28 lux for mesopic condition) 8 weeks postoperatively by OPTEC functional vision analyzer (FVA).
The mean UCVA was 54,95 letters and UCNVA was 58,27 letters. The mean contrast sensitivity after 8 weeks post cataract surgery across spatial frequencies (1.5, 3, 6, 12, 18 cycles per degree) were (43; 49,75; 59,25; 18,5; 2,5 respectively) for photopic conditions and (64,25; 45,75; 36; 4,75; 0,91 respectively) for mesopic conditions. The contrast sensitivity significantly decreased with a glare for high spatial frequencies (12, 18 cycles per degree).
After implantation of TECNIS Synergy IOL, patients achieved rewarding UCVA and UCNVA. The contrast sensitivity in photopic conditions was not significantly different from age norms. However, there is a noticeable reduction in contrast sensitivity at high spatial frequencies in mesopic conditions and with a glare.
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