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Neurosensory adaptation in patients after intraocular lense implantation: possible mechanisms

Poster Details

First Author: O.Napylova RUSSIA

Co Author(s):    L. Ramazanova   R. Shamratov   A. Dospahova   Y. Elena   T. Usibov   A. Vorobieva     

Abstract Details


The purpose of this review was to critically evaluate the literature and determine the possible mechanisms for the influence of design features and optical characteristics of intraocular lenses on the characteristics of neurosensory adaptation in patients after cataract surgery with intraocular lense (IOL) implantation.


Astrakhan Clinical Hospital


A bibliographic research was carried out of research papers held in the following databases: MEDLINE, PUBMED, COCHRANE DB SYST REV, eLIBRARY. The inclusion criteria for acceptance of the studies to the review were trials concerning a sample no smaller than 40 people and long-term report of the results achieved.


More than eighty works met the inclusion criteria and were useful for reviewing. However, the results of these studies were difficult to compare with each other, since each of the authors, in his opinion, determined the main factor influencing visual rehabilitation and sensorineural adaptation in patients after IOL implantation. Some authors paid attention to the optical characteristics of the IOL, others to indicators of the quality of vision of the patient. Thus, the following factors and mechanisms were identified: IOL roughness index, IOL filter color, modulation transfer function, patient visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, higher order aberrations and nervous system diseases.


An analysis of the literature showed a lack of a systematic approach to the study of sensorineural adaptation in patients after IOL implantation. It is necessary to continue to study and systematize the mechanisms of neurosensory adaptation and visual rehabilitation of patients after cataract surgery with IOL implantation.

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