Visual outcomes and spectacle independence with a new hybrid presbyopia correcting IOL
Poster Details
First Author: N.Gabric CROATIA
Co Author(s): I. Gabrić K. Gabrić M. Bohač
Abstract Details
To evaluate the performance of a new Hybrid (EDOF +Multifocal) Presbyopia correcting IOL, TECNIS Synergy (Johnson and Jonson Vision) in terms of visual outcomes, defocus curve and satisfaction in patients suffering from presbyopia with no other ocular pathologies.
University eye clinic Svjetlost, Zagreb, Croatia
Prospective consecutive case series enrolling 70 cataract patients bilaterally implanted with the new TECNIS Synergy IOL for the correction of presbyopia. Barret Universal II formula was used for all IOL calculations. 3 months after the surgery LogMar distance corrected and uncorrected visual acuity was measured at far (4m), Intermediate (66cm) and near (33cm) distances in photopic conditions. Near visual acuity was assessed in mesopic conditions. Monocular photopic defocus curves were measured from +0,50D to -3,00D of defocus. The Catques 9SF questionnaire was used to evaluate patient satisfaction
Mean photopic postoperative LogMar Uncorrected Distance Visual Acuity was 0,02±0.04 and Near was 0,09 ± 0,03 respectively. Mesopic Uncorrected Near visual acuity was 0,14 ± 0,02 Mean defocus curve showed a line of Logmar visual acuities within -0.10 and +0.10 from +0.5D to -3.00D. The overall satisfaction of patients was very satisfied in 98,55% to the 2nd question of the CATQuest 9SF questionnaire Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with your sight at present? 100% achieved spectacle independence for daily tasks. The average weighted score to the 2nd question of the CATQuest 9SF was 4.64.
The new Hybrid (EDOF+Multifocal) IOL TECNIS Synergy is an effective option for the correction of presbyopia providing spectacle independence to cataract patients. Its almost flat defocus curve from far to near eliminates the need to seek for the best distance for reading. It is also a good option for patients needing to perform activities at near distance in low light conditions
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