To evaluate changes effective range of focus and stereopsis following bilateral Laser Scleral Microporation (LSM) therapy
Poster Details
First Author: R.Ang PHILIPPINES
Co Author(s): A. Hipsley L. Gualdi O. Rozanova M. Jackson B. Hall
Abstract Details
To evaluate changes effective range of focus and stereopsis following bilateral Laser Scleral Microporation (LSM) therapy.
Asian Eye Institute, Philippines
An Er:YAG laser was used in 4 quadrants on the sclera to rejuvenate age-related ocular rigidity and improve pliability & biomechanical efficiency of the ciliary muscles in 5 critical zones of anatomical and functional significance. Patients aged >40 years who showed loss of accommodative ability and near visual acuity of 20/50 or worse were treated (N=20 eyes of 10 patients). Visual outcomes were assessed using the Early Diabetic Retinopathy Study (EDTRS) logMAR charts, wavefront aberrometry, and randot stereopsis.
Early results demonstrate that patients received improvement in effective range of focus, including up to 1D in improvement true accommodation. Positive changes after the LSM procedure were also seen in stereopsis. These stereopsis results are significant, especially considering that other presbyopia treatments, such as monovision and corneal refractive procedures, notoriously have diminished stereopsis and binocularity. The combined improvements in effective range of focus and stereopsis contributed to significant enhancement of patient near and intermediate visual acuity.
Unfortunately, most current surgical presbyopia treatments reduce stereopsis, increasing the risk for dissatisfaction post-operatively. An exception is LSM, a treatment which appears not only to restore accommodative function but also stereopsis.
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