What have we learnt from Dundee experience? Results of cataract surgeries in a rural setting in South Africa
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First Author: M.Aslan TURKEY
Co Author(s):
Abstract Details
There are millions of cataract patients in need at the outreach areas. This problem can be solved with the common sense of ophthalmologists from all over the world. There is a long list of necessities for a successful cataract camp. We aimed to present our cataract surgery results and to share our experience in performing a cataract camp in a rural setting.
Dundee Provincial Hospital, Kwazulu Natal, South Africa
A team that consists of an eye surgeon, an optometrist, 6 surgical and 3 ophthalmic nurses and 4 porters performed 518 cataract surgeries in 40 days between October and December 2019. All patients were operated by using Oertli Catarhex 3 phacoemulsification machine under retrobulbar anesthesia. All patients had an eye examination that includes best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), non-contact tonometry, biometry, B-mode ultrasonography, screening for blood pressure, blood sugar levels, HIV, Hepatitis B and C preoperatively. BCVA and IOP values were recorded 1-week after surgeries.
173 male, 345 female patients were operated. The mean age of the patients was 69.33±10.1 years. The mean BCVA was 0.06±0.27 and the mean IOP was 14.34±2.16 mm-Hg, preoperatively. Mean BCVA increased to 0.68±0.23 1-week after surgeries. 43 patients were HIV(+). The most common intraocular lenses were 21D and 22D in 137 and 105 patients, respectively. There were 27 patients with lens subluxation and 8 of them were aphakic after surgeries. Posterior capsular rupture occurred in 6 patients. All patients received intracameral and subconjunctival antibiotics at the end of the surgeries. Endophthalmitis was not observed in any of the cases.
Ergonomics, logistics, patient selection and post-operative care are the main headlines to accomplish a cataract camp. It is never possible to succeed without a dedicated team. Long cataract camps can also become stressful for volunteers but some easy tips to motivate the team may help to overcome the issues.
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