Ocular surface squamous neoplasia- grab it by its roots!
Poster Details
First Author: A.Gandhi INDIA
Co Author(s): M. Naik A. Mehta
Abstract Details
Purpose To determine the clinico-social profile, course and outcome of OSSN patients
Safdarjung hospital, New Delhi, India
This is a prospective case series of 24 patients diagnosed with ocular surface squamous neoplasia (OSSN) at a tertiary care center in India over a period of two years.
Out of 24 patients, 17 were male and 7 were females. The commonest age group involved was 50-60 years. Systemic assosciations included HIV in four patients. All patients presented with a visible growth in the conjunctiva, with corneal involvement occurring in 23% patients. 21 patients had unilateral tumour and 3 had bilateral involvement. Temporal quadrant was most commonly involved in 86% patients. 16 out of 24 patients were treated successfully and achieved complete resolution by topical interferon therapy, mean duration of treatment being 3 months. 4 patients had recurrence, 3 of which resolved by administering topical interferon for a mean duration of 3 months and one on topical mitomycin in 3 months. 4 patients with giant ossn were given subconjuntival interferon injections and subsequently underwent excision biopsy using no touch technique along with adjunctive topical mitomycin therapy, none of whom showed recurrence even after 6 months.
In OSSN, early and prompt diagnosis is essential to guide treatment
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