Our surgical technique in case of IOL dislocation
Poster Details
First Author: V.Melnyk UKRAINE
Co Author(s):
Abstract Details
IOL dislocation in capsular bag is a common reason of decrease of vision in a long-term after cataract surgery. PEX, zonular weakness or loss are the main reason of this. The best way for the correction of IOL position is the fixation of IOL together with capsular bag to the eye wall. We use Sergienko capsular fixation devise for the patients with IOL dislocation.
We determined dislocation of IOL in capsular bag in 12 patients in term from 9 month till 7 years after phacoemulsification. In all cases the reason of this was PEX and zonular weakness. All patients with IOL dislocation were operated by one surgeon and the same surgical technique.
We do clear corneal or limbal incision 2.5mm length. We perform by spatulum the space in capsular bag in the place of zonular loss. In this space we implant the Sergienko capsular fixation devise and to suture it to the sclera.
All patients were examined from the first day after surgery. In 11 cases position IOL in capsular bag was correct. IOL's were centered in optical sone. In one case the Sergienko capsular fixation devise was gone out from capsular bag and IOL was dislocated again. We did the same surgical procedure again with successful result.
In cases of IOL dislocated in capsular bag, use of the Sergienko capsular fixation devise is effective procedure. It allows to correct IOL position, to keep capsular bag undamaged, to avoid additive trauma of eye and to increase vision of patients.
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