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Nd:YAG laser as a therapeutic option for clearing an obstructed Ex-Press P50 glaucoma filtering device

Poster Details

First Author: X.Garrell Salat SPAIN

Co Author(s):    X. Garrell-Salat   S. Banderas   D. Aragón-Roca   F. Trejo-Velasco   M. Castany   J. Rigo     

Abstract Details


To highlight the importance of gonioscopy after glaucoma filtering surgery with implantation of an Ex-Press P50 device, as a possible cause of failure may be the obstruction of the device due to the incarceration of iris filaments, and to show how treatment with Nd:YAG laser can successfully clear the implant.


Glaucoma Unit. Vall d’Hebron University Hospital. Barcelona, Spain.


We report a case of a 60-year-old man with severe bilateral primary open angle glaucoma who underwent a filtering surgery with implantation of an Ex-Press P50 Glaucoma Filtering Device in his left eye. In the following years progression was detected which did not respond to topical treatment, so a revision of the surgery was performed with Mitomycin C 0.02% and an Ologen implant, but after 3 months IOP persisted high despite suturolysis and digital massage. We performed complete ophthalmologic evaluation including slit-lamp examination, fundus examination, gonioscopic examination, photography, and optical coherence tomography (OCT).


The examination showed that the bleb was diffuse due to the Ologen implant, the anterior chamber (AC) was formed , IOP was 17 mmHg and the gonioscopy showed incarceration of iris filaments to the lumen of the Ex-Press device, which was also seen in the OCT. Nd:YAG laser was performed at the tip of the device, and an elevation of the bleb was seen, as well as a reduction of the IOP to 13 mmHg. After digital massage the IOP was 8 mmHg. Following controls showed no changes in the IOP and the Ex-Press graft persisted permeable.


The most common complication related to the Ex-Press device is obstruction. However only two cases of iris filaments obstructing the device have been published. An undiagnosed hypotony causing flattening of AC and iris touch could be a cause of the formation of iris synechiae to the device. We recommend systematic gonioscopy to all cases of failure of filtering surgery with implantation of an Ex-Press device. This case supports the role of Nd:YAG as a therapeutic option to resolve cases of obstruction of an Ex-Press device regardless of the nature of the material.

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