The comparison of different eccentricity of special Aspheric RGP fitting in patients with keratoconus
Poster Details
First Author: Y.Kwon SOUTH KOREA
Co Author(s):
Abstract Details
To evaluate the effect of the Aspheric RGP of special eccentricity type fitting in keratoconus
We classified difference between corneal eccentricity and lens eccentricity ≤0.13 is Group I, and >0.13 is Group II.
Retrospectively 46 patients (83eyes) with clinically evident keratoconus were fitted with Achievement® RGP lens were evaluated with manifest refraction, autokeratometry, ORBscan. Achievement® special eccentricity type(0.65, 0.8, 1.0), is designed with junctionless back surface and controlled edge lift.
We classified difference between corneal eccentricity and lens eccentricity ≤0.13 is Group I, and >0.13 is Group II. logMAR, spherical eqiuvalent, cylinder, Sim K mean was decreased in both Group and statisfically not significant.
Fittable eccentricity of the RGP lens to the cornea can cover fragile cone of the keratoconus. So it can improve the vision and treat effectively without damage the cone of the cornea.
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