The role of rheology in artificial tear solutions
Poster Details
First Author: S.Arshinoff CANADA
Co Author(s): I. Hofmann H. Nae
Abstract Details
To better understand the role of the rheologic behaviour of artificial tears under conditions mimicking the human blink
York Finch Eye Associates, Toronto, Canada.
I-Med Pharma, Montreal, Canada.
Hydan TechnologiesInc. Princeton Junction, NJ.
The duration and speed of the human blink are known. The rheologic behaviour of 20 artificial tear products obtained in Canada and the UK was measured along with the Normal Force, N1, which reflects elasticity of the measured solutions
The tested artificial tears could be divided into three groups: Group A demonstrated significant shear thinning. Group B demonstrated moderate shear thinning. Group C demonstrated Newtonian behaviour. The shear thinning and Normal force (N1) behaviour of each tear solution were consistent with eachother. There is evidence to suggest that significant shear thinning may be beneficial in artificial tear solutions, allowing them to be more comfortable and to last longer.
This is the first paper to study the rheologic behaviour of multiple artificial tear solutions over a large range of shear rates, analogous to those experienced in blinking. The data suggests a benefit of shear thinning, but further clinical correlation to the laboratory data is needed.
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