Accuracy of IOL power calculations for monovision
Poster Details
First Author: A.Turnbull UK
Co Author(s): W. Hill G. Barrett
Abstract Details
To investigate the accuracy of intraocular lens (IOL) power calculation methods when targeting myopia compared with emmetropia, in the context of monovision.
Lions Eye Institute, Perth, Australia
88 consecutive patients undergoing bilateral, sequential cataract surgery with a plan of modest monovision were analyzed. Target refraction was approximately plano (distance eye) and -1.25D (near eye). Prediction error was determined by comparing the actual postoperative refraction with the predicted postoperative refraction, calculated by the Barrett Universal II (BUII), Hill-RBF version 2.0 (Hill-RBF 2.0), Haigis, Holladay I, SRK/T and Hoffer Q formulae. The dataset was divided into distance and near eye subgroups. Mean and median absolute error (MAE; MedAE), and percentage of eyes within +/-0.25, +/-0.50, +/-0.75 and +/-1.00D of refractive target was compared.
There was a consistent trend for lower refractive accuracy in the eyes targeted for near. BUII and Hill-RBF 2.0 were the most accurate overall and least affected by this phenomenon, with 1.1% and 4.6% fewer eyes respectively in the near subgroup achieving +/-0.50D of target. Haigis and SRK/T were most affected, with 15.9% and 12.5% fewer near eyes achieving +/-0.50D of target (p <0.05). Holladay I and Hoffer Q occupied the middle ground, with 6.8% and 10.2% fewer near eyes achieving +/-0.50D of target.
IOL-power calculation formulae appear to be less accurate when targeting myopia compared with emmetropia. BUII and Hill-RBF 2.0 represent good options when planning pseudophakic monovision as they are least affected by this phenomenon and can be used for both distance and near eyes.
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