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Randomized controlled trial to compare post operative outcome in cataract surgeries: single vs multiple visit

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First Author: R.Deshpande INDIA

Co Author(s):    U. Vora   V. Mangiraj   M. Deshpande   .            

Abstract Details


To compare the post operative visual outcome after a Day 0 examination in patients with two follow ups, one between Day 3 to Day 7 and other between Day 25 to Day 30 to those with a single ophthalmic follow up directly after 25 – 30 Days . Other objectives were to assess the safety of deferral of the first follow up visit at 1 week and to assess the costs borne by the patients and the hospital for every follow up visit after cataract surgery.


Study was conducted at H. V. Desai Eye Hospital, Pune, a tertiary eye care centre located in Western Maharashtra.


All patients between 40 – 80 years with uncomplicated immature age related cataract, willing to undergo surgery , participate in the study and be able to give written informed consent were included.They were divided into four groups based on the type of cataract surgery and post operative follow up protocol by Randomization. Demographic data like age and gender was recorded. Pre-operative LogMAR visual acuity and grade of cataract was noted. Patient underwent Phacoemulsification or MSICS surgery with intraocular lens implantation by standard technique by experienced surgeon. Post-operative data was collected.


There was no significant difference in the post operative visual outcome in patients that underwent post operative review at Day 3 – 7 and Day 25 – 30 as opposed to those that followed up directly at Day 25 – 30 after a mandatory Day 0 examination for all patients. Additionally Phacoemulsification was found to have a better post operative visual Outcome as compared to MSICS after 1 month although the cost of follow up visits for both the patients and hospital was higher for Phacoemulsification as compared to MSICS.


In patients with no pre existing ocular or systemic comorbidity undergoing an uneventful cataract surgery, the post operative follow up visit can be safely deferred until 4 weeks, without any impact on the post operative visual outcome , thereby conserving the available resources which can be deviated towards better eye care services.

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