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Amniotic membrane transplantation in refractory corneal ulcers: a preliminary study
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First Author: J.Lacorzana Rodriguez SPAIN
Co Author(s): J. García Serrano A. Lopez Jimenez A. Nowrouzi
Abstract Details
To evaluate the use of amniotic membrane transplantation (AMT) as a treatment for refractory corneal ulcers (RCUs).
Hospital Virgen de las Nieves, Granada
Patients treated with AMT for RCUs between January 2012 and June 2018 were included in a retrospective, multicenter study. The primary outcome studied were the success rate of the transplant as well as visual acuity (VA).
A total of 255 AMTs in 205 patients (mean age 62.33 years) were assessed. The overall percentage of complete reepithelialization was 67%, with the highest rates in herpetic ulcers (80.6%), ulcers associated with rheumatic diseases (80%), ulcers due to lagophthalmos, ulcers due to eyelid malposition or trauma (72.9%), bacterial ulcers (74.4%), and neurotrophic ulcers (67.7%). Percentages were decreased in fungal ulcers (25%), and amoebic ulcers (13.3%).
Baseline VAs were not significantly different between patients. RCUs treated with AMT resulted in significant improvement of the postoperative VA values in infectious, herpetic, neurotrophic, and rheumatologic ulcers, as well as in ulcers due to lagophthalmos, eyelid malposition, or trauma (p < 0.002).
The etiology with the highest gain was rheumatic ulcers (in the peripheral cornea), in which the VA improved significantly from 0.18 (preoperative) to 0.32 (postoperative) (p<0.015).
AMT in patients with RCUs achieves complete reepithelialization in most cases with moderate VA gains.
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