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Influence of smartphone screen reading on visual optical quality metrics and tear film stability
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First Author: E.Bettach ISRAEL
Co Author(s): A. Shoshani D. Smadja D. Zadok A. Abulafia
Abstract Details
To evaluate the influence of smartphone screen reading on optical quality metrics and tear film stability.
Shaare Zedek Medical Center Jerusalem
iSEARCH - Innovation Shaare Zedek Eye Advanced Research Center Hub
Prospective study was conducted in 50 healthy volunteers that were asked to read an article on a smartphone screen for 20 minutes and the following parameters were evaluated before and after the reading task: Optical quality metrics such as ocular scatter index (OSI), strehl ratio (SR), modulation transfer function (MTF) and visual break up time (VBUT) were measured using a double-pass aberrometer system, non-invasive break-up time (NIBUT) using the Placido rings from corneal topography and fluorescein break up time (FBUT) measured at the slit lamp. Pre and post-task comparisons were made using paired sample T-test.
After the reading, FBUT and NIBUT were both significantly reduced (p< 0.001). OSI increased and Visual BUT was reduced significantly as compared to pre-reading state (p<0.01). The other optical quality metrics, MTF, SR and best focus position did not show any significant difference after the reading.
Reading session, as short as 20 minutes, on smartphone screen in healthy subjects was found to be enough to affect the tear film stability and optical quality metrics.
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