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A case of post-LASIK infection after 2 weeks of LASIK surgery following traumatic flap wrinkling

Case Report Details

First Author: R.Moussa EGYPT

Co Author(s):                        

Abstract Details


To determine Management of postlasik infection and timing of different modalities


El Fardos eye hospital ,Zagazig ,Egypt

Report of Case:

Pt presented with traumaic wrinkled flap 2w after uneventful lasik , flap lifting and ironing out of wrinkles were done ,2nd day pt presented with flap edema , corneal infiltration with sever pain ,photophopia,cilliary injection and drop of vision to HM .Flap lifting ,culture and flap trimming were done with irrigation of bed with fortified eye drops of ceftazidime 50mg&vancomycin 50mg . Pt continue on fortified eye drops on hourly intervals for 72h .As the infiltration was reaching the limbus so subconjuctival injection of vancomycin and ceftazidime with atropine were done day after day for 3 times then shifting to moxifloxacin 0.5% ED and adding steroid eye drops . pain and cilliary injection started to decrease one day after the flap trimming , corneal infiltration improved with subconjuctival injections ,fortified eye drops , cycloplegic and steroid eye drops .complete epithelialization occurs after 30 days with faint corneal opacity and UCVA improved to 0.5 .

Conclusion/Take Home Message:

Early diagnosis and proper treatment of postlasik infection is demanded in order to achieve better visual outcome for the patient. Rapid recognition of the causative organism and aggressive medical and surgical treatment of the infection may improve the outcome.

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