Case Reports
Corneal myxoma: a case presenting with salzmann’s nodular degeneration
Case Report Details
First Author: S.Maqsood UK
Co Author(s): M. Elalfy
Abstract Details
A case of primary corneal myxoma presenting with features of salzmann’s nodular degeneration
Maidstone and Turnbridge wells NHS Trusts
Report of Case:
We report a 46 year old male presenting with ocular surface irritation over period of 2 years and showed signs of salzmann’s nodular degeneration. It was excised with superficial keratectomy. The histology confirmed, scattered spindle and stellate shape cells in the matric of collagen and myxomatous ground substance. It was staining positive with mucopolysachrides. He was investigated systemically for any the organ involvement with all tests normal. He was observed afterwards and maintained a good vision of 6/9 improving 6/6 snellens vision. One year later her represented with similar corneal lesion involving mid stroma. He is now listed for laser therapeutic keratectomy with application of mitomycin C.
Conclusion/Take Home Message:
Myxoma is generally a benign tumour of cardiac origin. Only few primary and secondary corneal myxomatous lesions have been reported in literature. It remains inconclusive whether the myxomatous changes within the cornea are neoplastic or degenerative.
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