Case Reports
Diffuse lamellar keratitis (an abnormal form)
Case Report Details
First Author: M.Abdellah EGYPT
Co Author(s):
Abstract Details
to report an abnormal form of diffuse lamellar keratitis in a patchy form affecting the vision with a good prognosis.
Future FemtoLaser for corneal surgeries.
Report of Case:
. A 22-year-old man was submitted to Lasik For compound myopic astigmatism. The uncorrected VA after surgery was 20/20 in both eyes, the eyes were quiet and both corneas are clear
On the 13Th day after surgery, the patient complained of diminution of vision in the lt.eye on examination the VA 20/40 and 2 large patches of keratitis with cell reaction in the lt. eye occupying the center. The condition was accompanied by mild ciliary injection. The diffuse lamellar keratitis was a suspicion while the picture of the lesion was not diffuse as usually seen before.
High-dose dexamethasone eyedrops with topical antibiotic and artificial tears were prescribed. the visual acuity, slit-lamp examination, and IOP follow up. The follow-up visits were day after day, an improvement and decrease in cell reaction size were seen after 1 week of treatment. and visual acuity continued to be restored in the following visits allover 6 weeks
After 5 weeks the visual regained to be 20/20 and the cornea became clear again.
Conclusion/Take Home Message:
Conclusion: diffuse lamellar keratitis may appear in an abnormal form, early diagnosis and early treatment with close follow up may give a very good response without the necessity of corneal flap lifting
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