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Effect of pseudoexfoliation syndrome on biochemical characteristics of aqueous humour
Poster Details
First Author: E. Alyamaç Sukgen TURKEY
Co Author(s): Y. Kocluk
Abstract Details
Pseudoexfoliation (PEX) syndrome is an age-related condition characterized by the production and accumulation of extracellular fibrillary material in the anterior segment of the eye .Although the pathogenesis of PEX is not yet fully understood, it is known that PEX syndrome is a multifactorial , genetic disorder . Investigation of aqueous humor composition in patients with PEX may identify important pathogenetic factors involved in this disorder.
We aimed to compare the biochemical features of aqueous humor (AH) in patients with and without PEX in this study.
This prospective, single-center,comparative study was conducted in Adana Numune Training and Research Hospital at the Department of Ophthalmology .
Consecutive patients with senil cataract were evaluated for the study between January and November 2015.The patients with systemic or ocular disorders were excluded in this study. The Patients with previous intraocular or laser surgery were not included in the study.Aqueous humor samples were collected at the beginning of cataract surgery from patients. While group 1 included patients without PEX, group 2 included patients with PEX. Glucose, urea, creatinine, calcium, phosphate, magnesium , sodium , potasium , chlorine levels were measured in the aqueous humor of both groups.
There were 30 patients in group 1 while there were 24 patients in group 2. These two groups were similar in terms of demographic characteristics and base-line visual acuity. In the aqueous humor, the mean values of calcium and chlorine in group 2 were significantly higher than group 1 while the mean values of glucose in group 2 were signicantly lower than group 1 (P values˂0,05).
The levels of urea, creatinine, phosphate, magnesium, sodium, potasium, were similar in both groups. Also, nuclear cataract and PEX coexistence are found statistically significant in group 2.
PEX and non-PEX groups have different biochemical features in aqueous humor. This increase level of calsium and chlorine or decrease level of glucose may be responsible for ocular morbidite in PEX syndrome. However , the quantity of aqueous humor obtained from the anterior chamber was very little and the number of parameters which can be studied was limited. Further studies are needed to analysis of AH in PEX.
The authors did not receive any financial support from any public or private sources.
The authors have no conflict of interest.
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