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10 - 12 February 2017, MECC Maastricht,The Netherlands.

This Meeting has been awarded 15 CME credits.


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Evaluation of stereopsis for blended vision variants with refractive MIOL compared to phakic eyes

Poster Details

First Author: D. Breyer GERMANY

Co Author(s): H. Kaymak   K. Klabe   P. Hagen   F. Kretz   G. Auffarth        

Abstract Details


In order to improve near vision, bifocal or EDOF IOLs with good far and intermediate vision can be implanted in a blended vision variant, where the target refraction in the nondomiant eye is set to approximately -1.5D. The aim of this retrospective analysis was to assess the question whether the patients also benefit from this variant with regard to stereoscopic vision.


All MIOL implantations were performed at the Breyer-Kaymak-Klabe Eyesurgery in Duesseldorf, Germany. All considered patients underwent bilateral implantation of refractive MIOLs from the following list: Comfort (bifocal, 1.5D addition, Oculentis), Mplus (bifocal, 2.0D addition, Oculentis), MiniWell (EDOF, Sifi) WIOL-CF (EDOF Medicem)


The target refraction was emmetropia in the dominant eye and in the nondominant eye it was either approximately -1.5D (Blended Vision, 30 patients) or emmetropia (Emmetropic Vision, 30 patients). As a third group we considered phakic eyes (60 patients). Stereopsis was tested using the Stereo Fly Test (Precision Vision), which was positioned at a distance of 16inches. Analogue to logMAR-values for visual acuity, we calculated the logartihm of the minimum angle of stereopsis (logMAS) and compared the mean values of all groups.


The minimum angle of strereopsis was 0.29logMAS, 0.05logMAS and -0.05logMAS in the group with emmetropic vision, blended vision and phakic eyes, respectively. Comparing areas under binocular defocus curves (MIOL-capacity), blended vision with Comfort MIOLs achieved the highest binocular defocus capacity of 101%.


Stereoscopic vision is significantly better for blended vision than for emmetropic vision implantation variants. Phakic eyes outperform both groups, whereby these differences were not clinically recognized by patients.

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receives consulting fees, retainer, or contract payments from a company producing, developing or supplying the product or procedure presented, travel has been funded, fully or partially, by a competing company, travel has been funded, fully or partially, by a company producing, developing or supplying the product or procedure presented, receives consulting fees, retainer, or contract payments from a competing company

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