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10 - 12 February 2017, MECC Maastricht,The Netherlands.

This Meeting has been awarded 15 CME credits.

In-vitro halo and glare visual disturbance modelling for refractive, diffractive and extended-depth-of-focus IOLs

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Session Details

Session Title: Cataract
Session Date/Time: Saturday 11/02/2017 | 08:30-11:00
Paper Time: 09:06
Venue: Auditorium 1

First Author: D. Spalton UK
Co Author(s): N. Tiwari K. Venkateswaran   Y.   So            

Abstract Details


To model halo and glare visual disturbances under mesopic conditions in vitro for diffractive, refractive multifocals and extended depth of focus (EDoF) IOLs compared to a monofocal IOL.


An optical laboratory facility


An optical bench and in vitro eye model using apertures to mimic mesopic lighting conditions was deployed and a measurement method for the halo visual disturbance was developed. The impact of de-centration (horizontal and vertical) and tilt on resulting halos was analyzed. A dual camera system including eye models was developed to simulate the differences in off axis glare under low light and polychromatic conditions in real world scenes. A metric for glare disturbance was developed using the image signal and background brightness levels.


Modeling performed using an aperture of 4.5mm representing the mesopic pupil showed EDoF IOLs to have higher halo values than monofocal. Multifocal IOLs showed the highest halo values of the tested IOLs. In the presence of glare source and using a 4.5mm aperture, a reduction is seen in glare for the EDoF and multifocal compared to the monofocal IOL.


Visual disturbances related to halos and glare have been known to occur in a small proportion of multifocal IOL users. Ignoring the neural compensatory mechanisms, it can be shown under laboratory conditions that the current generation of EDoF IOLs will also cause some of the same disturbances, although at a reduced level.

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