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Potential of video games for the promotion of neuroadaptation to multifocal IOLs

Poster Details

First Author: A.Molina-Martin SPAIN

Co Author(s):    M. Coco-Martín   L. Leal-Vega   M. Maldonado-López   D. de Fez   D. Piñero        

Abstract Details


This narrative review revises the physiological potential of video games as a perceptual strategy to improve visual acuity and promote neuroplasticity in patients using multifocal IOLs


University of Alicante, Spain


Multifocal IOLs are currently implanted because of spectacle independence, but in turn, they are associated with a higher prevalence of dysphotopsia symptoms that is one of the most common causes of patient dissatisfaction. Neuroadaptation seems to play a major role in the optimal adaptation to multifocal IOLs. A nonsystematic review in PubMed using the terms “video games” or “computerized cognitive training” and terms such as brain plasticity, neuroplasticity, neuroadaptation, cognition, visual acuity, vision, visual impairment, cataract or amblyopia. Reference lists of relevant articles and reviews were also examined to find additional publications on the topic


Video games have been proved to be effective for the improvement of visual acuity and for the promotion of neuroplasticity in elderly subjects and other populations with cortical-related visual impairment. Action video games has been reported as less interesting -inducing therefore a lower compliance- than non-action video games in elderly adults. Concerning the specific use of visual training to improve the results of eyes undergoing cataract surgery with implantation of multifocal IOLs, Kaymak and coauthors reported a significantly faster and larger improvement of orientation visual acuity, contrast sensitivity and near vision in the trained eyes compared to control eyes


Promoting neuroadaptation to multifocal IOLs seems to play a major role in the presence of symptoms in patients using these lenses, and video games appear as a promising strategy for this purpose

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