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Reducing intraocular pressure with cataract surgery

Poster Details

First Author: A.Gavin Sancho SPAIN

Co Author(s):    E. Fuentemilla   F. Bartol-Puyal   D. Soriano   C. Hernando   J. Sanchez-Monroy   J. Larrosa     

Abstract Details


To determinate the capacity of cataract surgery to reduce the number of anti-glaucoma eye medication in patients who beforehand used treatment and to evaluate the reduction in intraocular pressure (IOP) in those who used the same treatment after the surgery.


Hospital Nuestra Señora de Gracia, ophthalmology department. GIMSO Aragon. Zaragoza, Spain.


We evaluated 140 eyes from 97 patients who were receiving anti glaucoma eye drops. We registered the number of anti-glaucoma medication and the IOP for each eye on the preoperative evaluation of the patient. We revaluated the patient four months after the surgery and we adjusted the treatment according to the intraocular pressure and the optic nerve condition.


The mean number of medication before the surgery was 1,58 ± 0,74 and 1,16 ± 0,867 afterwards. The reduction in 0,421 was statistically significant (p < 0,001). The medication was totally withdrawn in 34 eyes from 21 patients. In those who were receiving the same medication after the surgery (68 eyes), the previous mean IOP was 17,04 ± 2,88 mmHg and the postoperative mean IOP was 15,49 ± 3,07 mmHg with a mean reduction of 1,56 mmHg which is also statistically significant (p < 0,001).


Cataract surgery is an effective tool decreasing IOP in patients with glaucoma and it allows reducing the anti-glaucoma medication.

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