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Keratoconus characterization based on novel angular parameters related with apices and minimum thickness points

Poster Details

First Author: J.Velázquez Blázquez SPAIN

Co Author(s):    F. Cavas   D. Piñero   F. Cañavate   J. Alió del Barrio   J. Alió        

Abstract Details


Evaluating how the values of several novel angular parameters that consider the relative position of anterior and posterior corneal apices and minimum corneal thickness (MCT) points change as keratoconus (KC) disease progresses.


Vissum Corporation, Alicante, Spain. Technical University of Cartagena, Spain.


This prospective comparative research studied 472 eyes of 472 patients (age, 6–99 years): 139 eyes (control group) and 333 eyes (keratoconus (KC) group). The Computer-Aided Design software SolidWorks v2013 was used to process the tomographic data obtained by a Sirius® device (Costruzione Strumenti Oftalmici, Firenze, Italy), in order to stablish the following new morphogeometric variables: geometric axis–apex line angle (GA–AP), geometric axis–MCT line angle (GA–MCT and apex line–MCT line angle (AP–MCT).


Significant differences could be observed in these new parameters for the majority of the comparisons between control and KC subgroups, depending on the disease severity level (p ≤ 0.027). The differences were not found significant in the comparisons of the new morphogeometric parameters for keratoconus grades 2-3, 2-4, and 3-4 (p ≥ 0.064)


GA–AP and AP–MCT are angular parameters that may permit an accurate assessment of the structural changes that occur during the evolution of keratoconus disease. Consequently, their use may allow the clinician to determine the level of severity of the disease, just by studying the lesser coincidence in the spatial projection of apex and MCT points of both corneal surfaces.

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