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Comparative evaluation of effect of air versus balanced salt solution (BSS) on corneal endothelium used at end of phacoemulsification surgery for reformation of anterior chamber

Poster Details

First Author: A.Handa INDIA

Co Author(s):    P. Sahu   G. Das   R. Bhatia   S. -   A. Arora   I. Acharya     

Abstract Details


Several studies done in past performed for effect of reformation of the anterior chamber by Air have not clearly reported the increased risk or safety by its direct contact on corneal endothelium. There are limited studies comparing the effectiveness of effect of reformation of the anterior chamber by Air or by Balanced Salt Solution (BSS).Therefore, this study is being conducted to determine the effect of reformation of the anterior chamber by air or by Balanced Salt Solution on corneal endothelium after phacoemulsification


Out-patient and in-patient, Department of Ophthalmology, UCMS and GTBH, Delhi-110095


All patients had undergone a detailed history and assessment with special emphasis on Visual acuity (best corrected), refraction, Keratometry, fundus examination and tonometry. Using lottery method of randomization, patients were allocated to undergo either of the two procedures for phacoemulsification for reformation of anterior chamber. Postoperative follow-up was done on the first day (after 6 hours), second day, one week, and one month. Specular microscopic examination was done postoperatively twice after one month.


The study included 200 patients (100 in each group), 120 males (44%) and 80 females (56%) with no significant statistical age differences. Both preoperative and postoperative parameters of the corneal endothelium did not show any significant statistical differences. The cumulative dissipated energy was recorded, for all cases of both groups, during phacoemulsification with no significant statistical differences.


There is no difference between the effect of reformation of the anterior chamber after phacoemulsification, using air or using a BSS injection, on the corneal endothelium.

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