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Results of thin cap SMILE

Poster Details

First Author: S. Taneri GERMANY

Co Author(s):    S. Arba-Mosquera   A. Rost   H. Dick              

Abstract Details


To evaluate the influence of a thin cap in small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE) for the correction of myopia or myopic-astigmatism


Tertiary care private practice


Chart review of 102 eyes of 51 patients. The effect of 120ᄉm vs 100ᄉm cap thickness on postoperative spherical equivalent refraction (SEq), cylinder, corrected and uncorrected visual acuity, and ease of lenticule separation was assessed in a contralateral manner while all other parameters were identical between eyes (including optical zone, minimum lenticule thickness, incision size, energy and spot settings) using paired Studentメs T-test.


At 3 months postoperative, SMILE with 120ᄉm cap thickness was undercorrected in SEq relative to SMILE with 100ᄉm cap thickness. The difference of 0.06 ᄆ 0.39D (or 0.7% ᄆ 5.7%) did not reach statistical significance. Postoperative cylinder was not statistically different in both groups. Visual acuity was similar in both groups. Ease of lenticule separation was identical in both groups. Suction time was shorter with a 100ᄉm cap (p<0.005). Postoperative central residual stromal thickness was 20ᄆ15ᄉm thicker with a 100ᄉm cap (p<0.0001). Adverse events were comparable.


Postoperative refraction, visual acuity, ease of lenticule separation, and incidence of adverse events were not significantly affected by cap thickness. Surgeons may safely use 100ᄉm instead of 120ᄉm caps without nomogram adjustment. Alternatively, after suction loss during the lenticule cut a second docking with a programmed cap thickness of 100ᄉm (and a larger optical zone) may be a rescue technique enabling to still perform the intended SMILE procedure.

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