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Ocular manifestations in patients with COVID-19: a literature review

Poster Details

First Author: V. Reçi MACEDONIA

Co Author(s):    M. Kesba                    

Abstract Details


The aim of this review was to analize and summarize the most frequent ophthalmological manifestations in patients infected with SARS-CoV-2. This findings do not include the standard clinical presentation of the disease, but can suggest the most common ocular changes in COVID-19 patients and can serve as a reference for eye care for prompt diagnosis and management.


University Clinic for Eye Diseases Skopje, North Macedonia


For this literature review we searched about published studies and case reports in the PubMed, Lancet, Elsevier, SciELO databases using keywords as ocular manifestations in CoVID-19 patiens. During our search we found some studies and case reports published in period from April-November 2020.


The most ocular findings that have been reported were:conjunctival hyperemia,secretion,epiphora,foreign body sensation,eyelid swelling.No alterations in corneal sensitivity were found.Some studies concluded that the ocular symptoms generally occur early and other studies suggest that these symptoms have more commonly affected patients with severe systemic symptoms of COVID-19. COVID-19 has been associated with coagulation disorders like thromboembolitis events and microvascular alterations,especially in those with severe disease, that lead to retinal vascular occlusions, for which we found some case reports published.Regarding the posterior segment findings, mostly studies described cotton-wool-like lesions, microhaemorrhages, dilated and tortuous vessels, hyperreflective spots in inner retinal layers on OCT.


From all the reviewed studies we can conclude that conjunctivitis is the most common ocular manifestation in patients infected with SARS-Cov-2, even this was not the most standard or classic presentation, ophthalmologists should be aware of patients who complain for this symptom. Therefore, special care should be taken when examining patients with signs and symptoms of viral conjunctivitis. Further studies are needed in the future to determine the possible implication of COVID-19 in retinal vascular pathology to determine the association with vascular occlusions of retina secondary to COVID-19.

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