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"Biological Encirclage” surgical technique in a case of traboulsi syndrome

Poster Details

First Author: R. Bafna INDIA

Co Author(s):    N. Sharma   S. Lata   T. Agarwal              

Abstract Details


The aim of this paper is to describe a novel technique to augment scleral strength in a case of Traboulsi syndrome


The study was conducted at apex eye institute (A.I.I.M.S, New Delhi) and written informed consent was obtained from the study patient


29 year old female presented with decrease in vision in both the eyes. Visual acuity in the right eye was 20/200 and in the left eye was no perception of light. On slit lamp examination, the right eye had clear cornea with supero nasal intercalary staphyloma and there was edematous cornea in the left eye. Both the eyes had a flat anterior chamber with 360-degree multiple filtering blebs. Patient was planned for right eye ムBiological Encirclageメ with twice crosslinked donor cornea


This novel technique resulted in well formed anterior chamber and no filtering blebs in the postoperative period. Double cross linking in the cornea might help in early taper of steroids in the post operative period and decrease chance of rejection


This is the first case to report successful surgical intervention in a case of Traboulsi syndrome

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