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First Results with Presbyopia Excimer Laser Correction Inducing Higher Negative Spherical Aberrations in Blended Vision (PresbyEDOF)

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First Author: D.Lücht GERMANY

Co Author(s):    D. Breyer   H. Kaymak   K. Klabe   M. Kirca   F. Kretz   G. Auffarth     

Abstract Details


The correction of presbyopia by inducing positive (Presbyond, CZM) and negative (PresbyMax, Schwind) spherical aberrations and blended vision has proven to be efficient. Although the amount of intrapersonal ametropia and optical approach in both is different.


All surgeries were performed by one surgeon at the Breyer-Kaymak-Klabe Eye Surgery and Premium Eyes in Duesseldorf, Germany, member of the International Vision Correction Research Center (


We changed the parameters in treating patients (n=18) with the PresbyMax (Schwind) by inducing targeting emmetropia in the sensoric far dominant eye and -1.5D in the sensoric near dominant eye. Furthermore, we raised the induction of negative spherical aberrations to an EDOF effect of 1.25D - 1.5D. All patients were retrospectively called in a chronological order and answered a questionnaire concerning everyday experience, subjective optical quality, subjective optical side effects and quality of life between 1-3 months after surgery.


In this real-life quality management-controlled investigation of a new surgical approach to correct presbyopia we achieved the following results: The everyday experience, subjective optical quality, subjective optical side effects and quality of life was clinically significant raised in all patients and all of them would recommend it to a friend.


PresbyEDOF is an interesting alternative procedure of suitable excimer laser presbyopia correction in the treatment of patients without cataractogenous lenses.

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