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Visual Performance of Low-Add Bifocal Intraocular Lenses and Mini-Monovision Pseudophakia
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First Author: M.Biadsy ISRAEL
Co Author(s): L. Amit G. Barnett-Itzhaki M. Dover I. Solomon-Avizohar K. Hass D. Hauser
Abstract Details
To compare the visual acuity and stereopsis in patients following cataract surgery with bilateral low-add bifocal intra-ocular lens (IOL) implantation and monofocal IOL with mini-monovision.
Retrospective cohort study conducted at Barzilai Medical Center Ashkelon, Israel.
Consecutive patients underwent bilateral cataract extraction surgery and implantation of either bilateral Lentis comfort (Oculentis GmbH, Berlin, Germany) IOL (group A) or monofocal IOLs using mini-monovision (group B). Patients were recalled for assessment at 3 to 80 months postoperatively. Distance, intermediate (63cm), and near visual (40cm) acuities (UCDVA, UCIVA and UCNVA respectively), and distance Randot and near Titmus stereopsis, contrast sensitivity and reading performance were assessed. The study comprised 86 patients (172 eyes). The mean age of the patients was 69.40 years ± 10.00 (SD). Group A comprised 47 patients (94 eyes) and group B comprised 39 patients (78 eyes).
The mean postoperative UCDVA, UCIVA and UCNVA(logMAR) were: 0.05±0.2,0.03±0.11 and 0.18±0.15 for Group A and 0.09±0.09(P=0.2829), 0.10±0.12(P=0.0045) and 0.25±0.16(P = 0.0260) for group B. 11(29.7%) of group A achieved excellent distance stereopsis (<60 arcsec) vs. 2(5.13%) of group B (P = 0.0037). 15(31.9%%) of group A achieved unrecognized distance stereopsis (>400 arcsec) vs. 28(71.80%) of group B (P = 0.0002). Good near stereopsis (>100 arcsec) was present in 41(87.23%) of group A and 27(69.23%) of group B (P = 0.0423). Ni significant difference was found in the mean binocular uncorrected distance contrast sensitivity(p=0.0768), mean reading speed(p=0.9307) or mean reading distance(p=0.3914).
Both Groups A and B showed excellent distance and intermediate and good near uncorrected visual acuity at all distances. Compared to group B, more patients in Group A achieved good stereoacuity. No significant difference were found in contrast acuity or reading performances.
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