First Author: K.Eerme ESTONIA
Co Author(s):
To determine the visual benefit of cataract extraction in patient with retinitis pigmentosa
: East Tallinn Central Hospital
A retrospective analysis of one patient after cataract surgery
44 year old patient with retinitis pigmentosa had a phacoemulsification and IOL implantation without any complications on her right eye. 2 weeks after surgery the progression of CME was diagnosed by OCT finding and topical treatment was started. There was no CME regression after topical treatment. Due to CME patient got intravitreal Kenalog injection to right eye. 1 month after intravitrel injection in OCT finding was regressioon of CME. Complication to intravitreal injection was arise in intraocular pressure and patient needed trabeculectomy.
After cataract extraction and intravitrel injection there was a imporvment in visual acuity - preoperativly 0,1 to 0,3 postoperatively.
Cataract surgery for relatively minor lens opacities is beneficial in patients with retinitis pigmentosa, and most report subjective improvement of visual symptoms. But ophthalmologist should be aware apart from the general risks of cataract surgery, there are specific additional factors that may result in a poor visual outcome after cataract extraction in the presence of retinits pigementosa such as macular edema.
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