First Author: M.Diab SAUDI ARABIA
Co Author(s): S. Eissa
To detect the prevelance of keratoconus in an age group from 10 - 16 years old in Aseer KSA and their various treatment modalities.
: Keratoconus, is a common corneal disorder with genetic background.
Presentation usually occurs in the second to third decade, with progressive course.
Pediatric population are involved in this disease, with various presentations and different course.
Retrospective study, analyzing the 2 year incidence (May 2010 - May 2012) of keratoconus cases between 10 - 16 years old, in Magrabi Aseer, KSA.
Analysis includes, age of onset, presenting symptoms by patient or parents, bilaterality, investigations done, modality of treatment and course of disease.
23 eyes (13 patients) with keratoconus were diagnosed in this period.
The presenting symptom was acute marked drop of vision in 5 eyes, with white cornea (noticed by parents) frequent change in spectacle prescription in 13 eyes, severe itching and redness associated with gradual diminution of vision in 6 eyes.
Penetrating keratoplasty was completed in 6 eyes, DALK was administered in 10 eyes, cross-linking in 5 eyes and corneal ring segments in 2 eyes.
Keratoconus is very aggressive with a rapidly progressive course in pediatric population. Early diagnosis is the cornerstone in the management of keratoconus in an early age. Advanced keratoconus in one eye necessitates monitoring of the fellow eye with stabilization using cross-linking and/or ring segments.
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