First Author: JaimeGarrido linares SPAIN
Co Author(s): Jose Luis Ramos Navarro
Study the cause of intermittent bilateral rotation after implantation of bilateral spherical ICL with normal vault .
: Clinica Baviera. Instituto oftalmológico Europeo. Málaga, Spain
We implanted two ICL with a period of 15 days between the right eye and left in a male patient 35 years old .
Preoperative Refraction: Right eye -11.75 -0,5 175 º and -12.25 -0.75 160 º for the left one.
We used Orbscan II scanning-slit corneal topographer and microscope calibration for the measuremets of White -to-White (WTW) horizontal distance, and in both eyes it was 12.5 mm . YAG laser iridotomy were performed prior to the surgeries in both eyes .
In both eyes we implanted a 13,2 mm horizontal diamater spheric ICL.
15 days after the surgery vault was II in both eyes .
One month after the surgery the patient presents intermittent monocular diplopia in both eyes.
In the exploration both phakic lens are displaced . We studied the possible subluxation and the explant of the rigth lens but in a new exploration ICL spontaneously turns 90º so we decide the replacement for a big one with 13,7 mm diameter .
After one week the bilateral monocular diplopia continues so we made an ultrasound biomicroscopy ( BMU ) for the sulcus-to sulcus horizontal distance (STS) .The STS is 14.49 mm for the right eye and 14.29 mm for the left one.
We opted for the explant of both lens , performing surgery without complications.
It is well known that not in all eyes STS horizontally distance correlates with WTW horizontally measuremets.
In the present case the horizontally STS distance with BMU , have made us decide implantate an anterior chamber phakic lens , because actually there isn´t available ICL with more than 13,7mm of horizontal distance. FINANCIAL INTEREST: NONE