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Phacoemulsification in a case of Morgagnian cataract
Poster Details
First Author: D.Djurovic-Raonic MONTENEGRO
Co Author(s): B. Milojko-Scepovic
Abstract Details
Morgagnian cataract is a form of hypermature cataract formed by liquefaction of the cortex and sinking of the dense nucleus to the bottom of the capsular bag
Clinic for Eye Diseases of the Clinical Centre of Montenegro, Podgorica
Case study of a 58-year old male patient experiencing a gradual, painless loss of vision in the left eye over a period of 4 to 5 years. In this eye, visual acuity was limited to the sense of light with an accurate projection, the intraocular pressure was 14 mmHg, with a clear cornea and a morgagnian cataract.
Absence of good glow in hypermature cataracts requires anterior capsule staining with trypan blue dye to facilitate good capsulorhexis. Achieving continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis is challenging due to increased intralenticular pressure. Immediately after minimal anterior capsule opening, lens decompression is mandatory. Using 26G needle, sub-capsular space is entered and liquid milky cortex aspirated into 2ml syringe. After decompression, capsulorexis which should be maximal, is much easier because of decreased tendency for rhexis to run out and better visibility. During phacoemulsification, phaco energy is directly transmitted to capsule since cortical matter protective cussion does not exist. Therefore, phaco should be done carefully.
The patient should be advised about the increased risk of surgical complications and possible need for more than one surgical intervention in order to achieve the best visual outcome. The patient should also be explained about the possible binocular diplopia due to a longstanding loss of fusion.
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